- Control switches remotely together with 8 Channel relay.
- WiFi receiver, via WiFi telecommunications connection instead of RJ45 for network control.
- Support for 8 Channels relay which means you could controll more to 8 different devices at the same time.
- Unique dual TCP connect control, corresponding with above trait, local as TCP server
- Accept client control, when connect to remote server as TCP clientSainSmart 8 Channel DC 5V Relay Module for Arduino Raspberry Pi
- Supply core module detailed information, application program demo,
- Support customized smartphone app (iOS, Android)
Apps for iOS , Android and MFC:
- App for iOS: For control your SainSmart Network I/O Controller from your iPhone, iPod or iPad, is available in APP Store.
- App for Android: is available in Google play.
Source Codes Address:
- 1x SainSmart iMatic Wifi V2 Wireless Remote Control Board for 5V 8/16-CH Relay model
- 1x SainSmart 8/16-Channel DC 5V Relay Module for Arduino Raspberry Pi